In Gratitude
In Gratitude is dedicated as a page of thanks and gratitude for those who are making this project possible. As of today, not one person has been paid from any services provided to the 24 Peaces project. All services, time, talents and contribution have been in kind donations, and that truly humbles me. I am blessed. - GENE

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24 Peaces Trailer - 2011
"24 Peaces is an artist's journey to invite people to ask the question "What is peace?" and to powerfully connect them with their own ability to create peace such that they are inspired to action."

8/12 Press Release: Multimedia Peace Project Kicks off Next Phase
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Orange County, California- August, 2012 – 24 Peaces is an artist's journey to invite people to ask the question "What is peace?" and to powerfully connect them with their own ability to create peace such that they are inspired to action." With the purpose of igniting our own individual ability to create peace, the artist GENE (Gene Jimenez) is conducting a series of twenty-four conversations with both preeminent peacemakers and a cross section of “every-day people” from diverse backgrounds and cultures.